How To Reduce Stress By Becoming A More Adaptable Leader

The ability to pivot and innovate successfully in an unpredictable marketplace is not just a leadership advantage in 2024—it’s a necessity. As company leaders navigate global and domestic shifts within their industries, they must quickly adapt to evolving conditions while coping with the stress that inevitably arises for those in leadership roles.

Forbes Coaches Council members discuss practical strategies leaders can use to boost their adaptability and leverage it to reduce stress in an uncertain and ever-changing economic climate.

“Create “small wins” even when they seem nonexistent. Bite-sized victories serve as positive reinforcements, fueling a growth mindset and fostering resilience. By celebrating these incremental achievements, leaders can transform challenges into stepping stones toward continuous improvement, leading to a more adaptable and stress-resistant leadership style.”

– Karina Ochis

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Prof. Dr. Karina Ochis Phd.

Professor of Leadership and Management at Monarch Business School, Forbes Council Member, Executive Consultant, CEO, Author